Every year millions of people watch the ball drop in Times Square and with it comes a new year. The sparks fly from the rooftops signaling another 365 days to do something different, to make a change. Each spark representing the fleeting hopes and ambitions of the host. Proclamations fill rooms like; “I am going to lose 30 pounds this year” or… “I am going to eat healthier in 2017.” We all know that these are said with all the best intentions. Without any doubt, you will fail at accomplishing your new years resolution. It isn’t all of your fault though, humans are naturally optimistic. The problem is that humans tend to struggle with reality. In the end, only 8% of you will be successful in achieving what you set out to do. ![]() A 92% failure rate shows that something is inherently wrong when goals and resolutions are being created. Why do people fail so much with their resolutions? The biggest thing is just being too ambitious… Let’s look at the common example of wanting to lose weight. There are two ways people attack this resolution. One is by going to the gym and working out a lot; burn those calories. Second option is to just eat less; DIEting. Yes, there is a reason why the word die is in diet, but that is another topic. Compare those methods to quitting smoking or coming off of a drug. Your body and mind don’t want to just go cold turkey, or make any drastic change. It is too rough on you, especially when the habit you want to change isn’t life threatening, like losing a couple pounds. One of the biggest contributers in your success will be to govern your ambition. How do you set yourself up to become part of the 8%? When it comes down to it, the creation of the plan is easy… the execution is almost close to impossible. There are simple ways to help you execute a little more effectively.
WHY do you want to change? What gave you the idea to set the resolution? If you are doing it because your friends are doing it you won’t succeed. Don’t try to change for other people. Make sure you are changing because you feel you need to change in order to be happy, confident, or fulfilled. So write down your goal and underneath it write what the goal means to you. Write down how you see your life if you succeed. The next part is tempering your ambition. We know you want to lose weight but going to the gym for an hour every day for the first two weeks of January will exhaust you to a point of quitting. By the end of January you will be with most people, back on the couch. Instead of spending all of that time in the gym, let’s focus on building the habit. Don’t go to the gym and workout for an hour. Instead, start out by going to the gym every day for just 10 minutes. Set short term and achievable goals. 10 minutes in the gym is not mentally taxing and is easy to fit into any schedule. Finally, set metrics so you know what success is. If losing weight is your goal, you can set pounds lost/gained as your metric. If you want to eat healthier, you can set grams of sugar eaten as a metric. The goal is to choose something that has a hard measurement associated with it. Choosing a subjective measurement system can lead you to failure. Do these things and you will set yourself up for a more successful year! The goal of this article was to give everyone the tools to succeed in goal setting. In the end I want to help people change themselves for the better. I have been in situations where I hated the way I looked, the way I thought, and the way I felt. Day in and day out I told myself that I needed to make a change. Constant mental and physical abuse by my peers brought me to a point where I had nothing left to lose. I made the decision to make a change. Losing weight was my goal, and running was my vessel. It took time, effort, and coaching to lose weight and get to the place I am today. In appreciation for the support I gained during my journey, I am offering 1 month free of online coaching for the first 20 people to submit an information questionnaire. One of those people will be randomly selected for one full year of free coaching. You have absolutely nothing to lose in this situation. Do something today to help your tomorrow. The offer listed above expires at 1159 EST on 3 JAN 2017. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ca/39/eb/ca39eb2873700c8cea36b5adac4b9b2b.jpg
http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/ http://www.goal-setting-motivation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/writing-down-goals.jpg http://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/07/09/6360366854242520611239501362_bestfriend.jpg
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